Middlesex Suite by Gwendolyn Page

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Halloween I love it. Things that bump in the night excite me.

Each year it is my plan to rent a movie to celebrate.

As a child, I loved The Legend of Sleepy Hallow.

Johnny Depp has to be one of the sexiest actors.

Add them together and you have a winner…?


Maybe, just maybe, I might find out this year.

However, if your tastes burn hotter even than that I have another treat for you.

Coming soon to your favourite publishing house http://decadentpublishing.blogspot.com/p/coming-soon.html

the sexy erotic version.

This Sunday, Ichabod meets Alisa Palson. They discuss Ull –Alisa’s Huldufolk boyfriend.


Hope you can join the discussion.

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Hey, steal this

Here’s a video you may like to see. It made me stop and think.


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Reading Wednesday: Animal (continued 6/10/10)


He removed a rabbit from a trap. The carcass was stuff; the animal dead for hours, perhaps even a day. Draping the rabbit over the sling, he tied the animal’s legs together and continued walking the trap line. The man looked down and saw a fresh trail of crimson staining the pure white snow. Following the bloody path, he found her –a wolf bitch. Having been raised with a reverence for the species, this animal was sacred to him.

She lay on the frozen ground; a beauty, her guard hairs white and undercoat shades of grey. Then he noticed her front right paw –or rather, its absence. Had she bitten it off? Had she been caught in one of his traps and sacrificed the paw for freedom? He didn’t know, but the questions worried him. The stump had bled, attracting the hungry. They had fed on her, tearing off big chunks of flesh.

Read more next Wednesday.

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Free read: Animal

(Short post than I was planning. I’m currently dealing with a great deal of hip, knee and lower back pain.)


Like a bear, the trapper lumbered through the wintery woods, his body shielded from the chill wind by his fur coat and fur pants. His snowshoes left paw-shaped prints on the crisp white snow as he collected a beaver from this trap and a fox from that one, adding it to the muskrat that hung from the sling draped over his back.

More next Wednesday

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Wednesday –reading day

Starting this coming Wednesday I will be sharing my paranormal erotic short story –Animal. To learn more about this book, please go to my ‘free book’ page.

Counting the hours to Wednesday

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Meet Ull, my sexy Huldufolk

As a fiction writer, I’m very fortunate. I’m able to build my own reality. This reality may be influenced by facts but not limited by it. In developing Ull, I was able to gleam what I liked from the Icelandic legend.

So who is this Icelandic entity that is more enigmatic than a shapeshifter and sexier than a vampire?

Is Ull romantic?

Oh, yes, in words and in action.

When he falls in love with Alisa he leaves all he knows to be with her. His only concern is for her safety, for her health.

Is he cute? Smart?

As a Huldufolk, Ull is superior to a human male in appearance and intellect.

He does sound like the perfect man.

He is.

However, developing a relationship with him does have its challenges. For you see, he is invincible to all but those with second-sight. 

Though Huldufolk are kin to humanity, they are unlike us in other respects beyond those mentioned earlier. Humanity has used nature for its own gain. Contrarily, Huldufolk seek to protect nature at all costs. They act with single-minded passion in romance and in duty.

Would you like to meet Ull?


Untouched Places by Grace Meadows

Available from…


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Huldufolk –internet search

I first learned of the Huldufolk at my Afi’s (Grandpa’s) knee.

Later, in my twenties, I moved to an Icelandic-Canadian settlement and learned some more.

Even later, I had the good fortunate of visiting the homeland of the Huldufolk –Iceland.

Unfortunately, though, I’ve never meet one or at least not to my knowledge.

Today, I had fun touring cyberspace attempting to find verification of what I knew.

I found some web sites





In my next post, I will tell you how I wove all these yarns together to knit my own legend.

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More on the Huldufolk

Yesterday, I shared a little about the legend of the Huldufolk. The details shared were told to me by a friend. After I share all the information I collect I will show you how I shaped my own legend.

Today I will share from Nelson S. Gerrard The Icelandic Heritage

‘Huldufolk (hidden folk), also referred to as alfar (elves), were also widely believed in and taken rather seriously until recent times. One of the most unique of Iceland’s many supernatural phenomena, they can be compared only to the leprechauns of Ireland, who liek the huldufolk lived in rocky outcrops and were invisible to all but those with second sight. Huldufolk differed from their Irish cousins, however, in that they also inhabited lakes, and were not dwarfs or tiny elves, but fully human in appearance –their only distinguishing feature being the lack of a nasal septum dividing the nostrils. Undoubtedly the remnant of pagan traditions brought to Iceland in ancient times, this race of beings remained heathen in faith, at least in some stories, though they had churches and worshipped in much the same way as humans. In some respects they were a superior race, at least with regard to their powers and knowledge, but they nevertheless frequently sought human contact. Sometimes they fell in love with humans and lured them into their world, and occasionally they left their own kind to marry a human. The women of this race were known to react badly if their advances were not reciprocated by the mortal man of their choice, and various disabilities, markings, or misfortunes were attributed to such occasions. The huldufolk also showed an unusual fascination with human infants, and they were thought to abduct babies, leaving changelings in their place. Huldukonur (hidden women) were also known to call upon human midwives to help them through a difficult labour, which would be rewarded with great good fortune for the midwife, and similar good luck would result from other favours done for the huldufolk. Great care had to be not to disturb the dwelling place of these beings, however, or revenge would be sought, and on New Year’s night, which was believed to be the time that huldufolk moved from place to place, they must be made welcome if future relations were to be good. The belief in huldufolk was taken less seriously toward the end of the 19th century, but it has survived to the present time in some respects, and countless stories of the huldufolk are recorded.’

More on the huldufolk to follow…

Why not do a google search and see what you can find.

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How to write a story

Okay, confession time, sometimes I write and write and write. When I stop writing, I read and say, “This sucks!”

The problem was it just didn’t go anywhere.

Has this ever happened to you?

No, I didn’t think so.

Well, if it ever does, here’s an excellent blog http://www.writesex.net/?p=201&cpage=1#comment-1408

Remember:  incident, conflict, confrontation = story

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